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    Stock Photos

    Sandia Digital's clients are free to use our library of hundreds of stock photos

    About Stock Photography

    Stock photos are images that can be used in many ways.  Stock photos are extremely useful for businesses that would prefer not to have a full photography session just to capture a single moment or two, however they can generally cost quite a lot of money for a very limited license.  Sandia Digital offers a large library of stock photography to all of our clients for free.  With exception of direct re-selling, our clients can use our stock photos however they prefer.  Sandia Digital can tailor any of our stock photos to fit a website, brochures, posters, or other advertising media.  Take a look at just a small portion of our stock photo library below.  In fact, just for visiting this page, go ahead and use one of the stock photos we’re providing below, no charge!  Just make sure you give Sandia Digital credit within the exif data, or link us from the page or slideshow you’re using it for.  All you need to do is right-click, open the image (or link) in a new tab, and download.

    We’ll update this page ~monthly, so visit us again if you don’t see what you’re looking for today.